Dee feeding the Llama in Bogota

Monday, October 4, 2010

Paying it Forward

When the legendary coach John Wooden was asked what a perfect day was, he said it should include among other things that “We should do at least one gesture of kindness everyday that someone could never repay you.”  You know the ones; Open a door for a stranger, return a found item, etc.  Today another person paid us this favor...

We arrived at our glorious destination to find one small problem; The stores that were supposed to be open we not and the next town several miles down the road.  While we contemplated our dilema a fellow camper struck up a conversation and upon hearing our plight (which was not a catastrophe of course!) offer ed his car for a grocery run.  He jokingly surmised that we had no incentive to steal it since our bikes were worth more.  We quickly found some food after a long drive and still made it back to enjoy this sunset.  Somehow, someway we'll pay this favor forward soon.


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