Relatively refreshed despite the events of the night before and motivated by a short distance to cover today we headed off around 11am en route to Leggett and the gateway to Pacific Coast Highway 1. I greeted two riders we had met two days ago while we got ready to leave. It seems finally after 2 weeks that we are starting to meet up with a few other cyclists making their way down the coast.
It was a hilly day, mostly up, as we travelled from 200 to 1100 feet asl. We’re both finding these longer hills more manageable than the repetition of the short, steep grunts that predominate most of the coastal riding.
We found ourselves in the deserted Standish-Hickey state Park by 1pm and not sure quite what to do with ourselves. Once we made camp we headed across the street to the small and interesting Peg House. A roadside café / grocery/ Internet hub where we caught up on the world, enjoying some lunch – yet another bleached white flour bagel! – and taking in the sunshine.
Slowly, several cyclists began to find their way to the Peg. First it was Calvin, a recent retiree from White Rock who is doing this circuit for the second time. Richard from Wales who Dee met amid many laughs two days ago arrived to proclaim, “Those nearly did my head in!” Youngsters Eric and Laura from Oregon were next to arriving. They are the most ambitious yet having started August 1 from Anchorage with the intention of getting to the tip of Argentina – WOW -. They were very concerned with finding cold beer and were not disappointed…
Finally Bruce and Sue from I’m not sure where arrived. These two are the most unlikely looking of bike travelers but with every intention of making it from Washington to the tip of Panama before he gets called back to work. Today, however was not a good day for them as Sue had a shouting match with several drivers on the road and at one of the gas station. It looked like tonight would be a busy one at the shared hiker – biker site at the campground.
We shared Thanksgiving dinner with Calvin and got to know each a bit over a cheeky Malbec. Calvin is the most prepared rider I’ve seen. I counted no less than 11 water bottles on his bike and BOB trailer. He claimed to have 6 changes of cycling gear (?), every tool imaginable, as well as the kitchen sink. He estimated he was carrying about 350lbs between himself, bike and equipment and topped out at 45 mph on the decent today. A Mack truck on three wheels.
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