Dee feeding the Llama in Bogota

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 29 – Big Sur – San Simeon – 108km

During the night we had the first significant showers since the fly disaster in Washington a month earlier.  Happy to say the tent held up, but barely!  The morning light revealed more than a few puddles on the tent so we moved cautiously during breakfast in the tent.

With an entire night of rain, both Dee and I thought, “Can’t rain all day, can it?” so we elected to get started and wait for the sun to show its face.  Mistake.  We got 100% of the 60% chance of showers and a newfound respect for the accuracy of the meteorologists in California.  Tragically the scenic and hilly first 40 miles were just hilly and foggy.  At times we caught a glimpse of the water – as evidenced by the one picture Dee took.  

On the positive the wet weather left the highway completely devoid of all motor traffic which made the steep, twisting descents with little braking power bearable.

We made a point of stopping at Elephant Seal Beach where – you guessed it – we watched dozens of the creatures play, fight, or lie completely motionless on the beach, oblivious to the rain pouring down on them.
"What are you two cyclists doing out today in the rain?"
  We, on the other hand were more duck than touring cyclist and ready for a long day – 7 hours of pedaling steady – to end.  In a continuing theme we arrived dripping wet at the hotel, but looking human again after a long, hot shower and some dry clothes.
A beautiful Maple Leaf in the heart of the Redwoods

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