Dee feeding the Llama in Bogota

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

An afternoon well wasted and spent at Polo

Well neither of us can say that Polo topped our list of ‘to do’ here in BsAs but we had a great time, once the game began.

Encouraged by friends to attend if we had the chance – Argentina is considered the top Polo playing nation in the world – we decided to attend on a sunny weekend afternoon.  Arriving near the two pm start we were surprised to find the immaculate grounds near empty with only a few dozen people milling about.  We found our way to our grandstand seats along with our friend Wendy from San Francisco and set about catching up and comparing notes on our Argentina experiences.

Three o’clock came and went with little action at the grounds.  While a few more people milling about and horses trotting about the pitch confirmed there would indeed be a game today, the question became, when?   The crowd slowly began to file in the 30,000-seat stadium around 4pm.  The pitch was huge - about 200 by 100meters and in immaculate condition. 

Our game finally got underway at 4:30pm.  4 players and horses both immaculately dressed and looking regal.  While we enjoyed the initial action, we had to ask someone, why the late start?

While it turns out the extrajenas (foreigners) had missed the first game that was being played on identical pitch behind the stadium we sat in enjoying the afternoon sun.  Who would have known BA would have two 30,000-seat polo pitches in the middle of the city…

Needless to say the fans that broke the news had a great story for the water cooler on Monday.  They seemed to take pity on us – on enjoyed flirting with Dee and Wendy – and enlightened us on the sport of kings.  The game featured 6 of the world’s top ten players.  The athleticism of the players was amazing.  Hanging off the side of a charging horse, holding off an opposing player while trying swing a 10-foot long mallet at a softball takes an inordinate amount of talent. 

The play itself was much like ice hockey.  Completely free flowing with few whistles and an unbelievable pace. Skillful passing, dumping the ball deep in the opposing end and chasing, cycling the ball to keep possession, and frequent starts and stops kept us entertained.  Unlike most games however, the substitutes were the horses.  Players would hop from one mount to another and back to the action so quickly we missed the first few. 

The game was fantastic; played quickly, skillfully, and we really enjoyed the match.  As expected the crowd was extremely civil and cheered strong play regardless of the side.
With the sun slowly setting the game ended and we were encouraged NOT to miss the post match facilities.  We strolled by the stables to see the majestic horses up close.  They are true thoroughbreds; strong, gracefully, and immaculately cared for.  Each team had about 15 horses as they substitute often and we’re sure there were at least two handlers for each all dressed in team uniform.  Needless to say a sport for the rich!

Arriving the main grandstand we thought we had walked into the post version of the rugby classic in Bermuda.  Stunning facilities with the latest cars on display from Mercedes, BMW, etc.  The lounge area was packed with BA’s ‘beautiful people’, techno blaring from the speakers, and champagne on ice.  We found some snacks and set about people watching and getting re-hydrated.  The scene was joyous for a Sunday night.  We enjoyed the food and some laughs far into the evening and contemplated attending the final next.  We'll make sure to confirm the time and place beforehand! 

1 comment:

Wendy said...

What an entertaining polo game that was! We didn't realize we'd be part of the entertainment! That was a fun day. Definitely one to remember.