Dee feeding the Llama in Bogota

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sidebar- September 22 + 23

Wednesday September 22

After a morning bike ride to meet with our tenants in Saanich, we took to the streets to explore Victoria.  The first day of fall was a gorgeous one that reminds the rest of Canada why they might want to live on the West Coast; 25C, a fresh ocean breeze, and sunshine.

In keeping with the cycling theme we met a friend and physio colleague's of Dee for an early evening bike ride around Victoria's southern communities.  Barb Bialokoz is a fellow Dal grad as well as a cat 1 cyclist  who runs a vibrant physio practice from her house and gave Dee the lowdown on the physio scene in Victoria - along with the oppressive zoning restrictions -.  I rode with her partner Dave McLeod a fellow star cyclist in his own right.  The ride took us well into the dark followed by an enjoyable beer and some forgettable wine along with a impassioned discussion on the merits of the Tarn 3 tent from Mountain Equipment Coop (MEC).

Thursday, September 23 - More staging

We were pleased to hear that Kim, Ma, and Baby T were coming over to the island for a final visit.  They came bearing the legendary Red Barn Sandwichs which are only for those with a hearty appetite.  The way Tahlia has been mowing down the adult food I'm surprised she didn't get one for herself!

We spent a lovely evening with friends Scott and Lorrie (Mc)Cramb in Victoria.  They have moved to Victoria from Parksville and are enjoying the transition so far.  We were entertained by Tahlia and their two boys, Donovan and Quin while the adult had a few laughs themselves.

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