Dee feeding the Llama in Bogota

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day Four - Potlatch State Park to Montesano WA - 65km

 “Remember to enjoy the journey”

It started with one drop of rain.  At 1:02 am.  The problem was the drop and soon to be many more drops we on the INSIDE of the tent.  As the rain beat heavier on the tent the water began to run in earnest looking for a dry spot.  As Dee and I slowly rose from our deep sleep it was apparent that we were experiencing a total fly failure. This was not good news.  Dee began to mop the initial puddles while I went out to tighten the tent fly – No luck – and we began to weigh options at 1:30 in the morning.  As the rain had no intention of letting up and with several puddles threatening to soak the remaining dry clothes we beat a hasty retreat to the shower room and a sleepless night curled up in the sleeping bag.  The fire and Pinot seems eons ago!

At some point in the night exhaustion set  in, as we did manage to sleep till daybreak but hardly a restful one.  Dee began to make some breakfast while I broke camp and attempted to dry things as best I could.  Of course fellow campers were now cutting in on our breakfast and commenting on how heavy the rain was last night. Really?  It was great here in the shower room.  Dry as a bone…

Damp, tired, and cold we set off hopeful to leave the nights activities behind us.  The rain was steady today but at least we were moving and warm.  The miles rolled by and we decided to stop for a snack in the one horse town of McCleary.  We treated to hot cups of tea, the best Blackberry crumble ever, and the reminder about enjoying the journey. 

With rain getting heavier we decided to stop in the town of Montesano for the night which for just 59$ you could get a room with a view and an opportunity to wash some clothes and dry a very wet tent.  We got caught up on the journal and a deep sleep.

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