Dee feeding the Llama in Bogota

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Birthday at the Feria

Happy Birthday Big Guy

With my birthday taking place on a full moon this year we decided to get to the falls to catch the ‘Full Moon’ tour the park offered.  Mother nature had other plans as we arrived to overcast skies.  With the afternoon to kill before the tour we ventured over to the ‘Feria’ – think farmer’s market with semi - permanent, covered stalls. 

Shortly after we arrived at the skies opened up and the rain fell with biblical – like fury.  I guess this would be lunch.  Finding suitable drinks and snacks was no problem and we lounged away the afternoon with the rain rattling off the corrugated tin roof. Lunch and drinks for the afternoon – 9$ -.

Holding little hope out for the tour we made an alternative reservation at what appeared to be one of the busier restaurants in the town that services the National Park.  At the very least the open pit BBQ looked good.  
Man - BBQ!

We settled in, enjoying the vibe of a Spanish musical trio. After a minute the trio’s leader stood, pointed in our direction while a small cake a candle headed our way.  How did they know it was GT’s big day?  They didn’t, passing it off at the next table followed by an enthusiastic rendition of  ‘Feliz Cumpleanos’  (Happy Birthday).   Well, this type of coincidence doesn’t happen often so I hopped over to wish my fellow Scorpio well.  We had more than a few laughs and took the obligatory picture followed by a shot of tequila – Ahhy!-

At the end of our meal the restaurant and band repeated the cake / song performance for me. 
As I was tucking into the first bite of cake a gentleman who had just been seated at the accompanying table came over to tell us that it was his birthday too.  Well, the cheers – and shots – continued from there.  What are the odds of that?
Bottoms up for the Scorpio Birthday Boys

1 comment:

Wendy said...

What are the odds? I love the birthday coincidence. Looks like a blast!